

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA, choose Create New Project

  2. Choose Maven on the left and click Next >

  3. For Group Id: choose a unique personal identifier, often a reversed Internet domain name is used for this. For Artifact Id: choose an identifier for your project.
    Click Next

  4. Choose a name and a location for your project.
    Click Finish

  5. In your Package Explorer you should see the following:

    Note that by default Maven uses (the ancient) Java 1.5. Since RinSim requires at least Java 1.7 we will change this in the next steps.

  6. Open the pom.xml file.

  7. You will see an XML view of the file. Add (paste) the following XML code between the project tags. Make sure to not overwrite the existing XML tags.
  8. Replace x.y.z with the current latest version (the latest version is shown here). The pom file should now look similar to this:

    Check that the JRE System Library as shown by Eclipse is version 1.7 (or higher), if this isn’t the case it often helps to force Maven to update the project: right click on your project -> Maven -> Update Project... If that doesn’t work it may be that Eclipse can’t find a correct Java version in which case you need to update your Eclipse settings.

  9. Maven will now start downloading the dependencies. When it is done, make sure your can find the rinsim-example-x.y.z.jar in your Project Explorer:

  10. Open rinsim-example-x.y.z.jar -> Find SimpleExample -> Right click -> Run 'SimpleExample.main()'

  11. You will see the following window. Select your project in Use classpath of module. (If you are a Mac user, add -XstartOnFirstThread to VM options, otherwise, just leave VM options empty) Click Apply and then Run

  12. You should now see the following window:
Simple example

This is an animation of the simple example.

Congratulations, Your setup is complete, you can start working with RinSim! Click Control -> Play to start the simulation. For more information about the other available examples, click here.