Maven artifactId: rinsim-experiment

The experiment module provides support for conducting scientific simulation experiments. The Experiment class is the main access point for all functionality in this module.

An experiment is comprised of Scenarios and MASConfigurations. A MASConfiguration configures a multi-agent system (algorithm) that has to solve the problem as specified by the Scenario. Using the experiment builder it is very easy to construct a factorial experiment setup:


In the example above there are two configurations and three scenarios. A total of 2 x 3 x 2 = 12 simulations will be run.


The MASConfiguration class consists of a number of models and event handlers. The handlers allow the configuration to determine what should happen when a certain event occurs. For example, the configuration can respond to an event indicating that a new vehicle is added by creating a new agent that is responsible for controlling that vehicle. A MASConfiguration can specify a centralized algorithm, a decentralized algorithm, or any kind of hybrid algorithm. The models that are added in the configuration should not be needed to simulate the problem (as those should be part of a scenario), they should only be needed for the configuration itself.

Other experiment features

  • PostProcessor allows to collect results from a Simulator instance when a simulation has ended.
  • Multi-threading support: see withThreads(int).
  • Cloud computing support (using JPPF): see computeDistributed().
  • Can be controlled via the commandline via perform(PrintStream,String...).